1. ANSI C Language Tutorials
    1. Language Basics
      1. Literal Suffixes and Prefixes
      2. Enumerations
    2. Console Operations
      1. Printing to Console
      2. Reading from Console
      3. Creating a Simple Text User Interface
      4. External Arguments
    3. String Operations
      1. Working with Strings 
      2. Searching Characters and Substrings in a String
      3. Spliting a String into Substrings
      4. Formatted Strings
    4. Bitwise Operations
      1. Bitwise Operators
      2. Bitwise Shifts and Rotations
      3. How to Set, Clear, Check, Toggle and Copy Bits
    5. Pointer and Memory Operations
      1. Basic Pointer Operations
      2. Call by Value and Call by Reference
      3. Using sizeof to Determine the Size of a Data Type
    6. Time Operations
      1. Measuring the Execution Time of an Algorithm
    7. Mathematical Operations
      1. Basic Mathematical Functions
      2. Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions
      3. Rounding functions
      4. Exponential, Logarithmic and Power Functions
      5. Error and Gamma Functions
      6. Generating Random Numbers
      7. Integer Rounding
    8. File Operations
      1. Opening and Closing Streams
      2. Creating, Removing and Renaming Files
      3. File Positioning Functions
      4. Text File I/O Operations
      5. Binary File I/O Operations
      6. Reading and Writing Structures from/into Text Files
    9. The C Preprocessor
      1. Avoiding Multiple Header Inclusion
      2. Conditional Inclusion
  2. Data Structures and Algorithms
    1. Data Structures
      1. Arrays
        1. Finding the Minimum and Maximum Element of an Array
        2. The Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Mean of an Array 
        3. Array Searching Algorithms 
      2. Matrices
        1. How to Create, Assign Values to and Output a Matrix
        2. The Primary and Secondary Diagonals of a Matrix
        3. Creating a Dynamic Matrix
    2. Numerical Algorithms
      1. Radix Conversion
      2. Euclid Gcd Algorithm
    3. String Algorithms
      1. Reversing a String
      2. Anagram Checking Algorithm
      3. Pangram Checking Algrotihm
      4. Palindrome Checking Algorithm
    4. Signal Processing Algorithms
      1. PCM u-Law and a-Law Companding Algorithms
    5. Cryptography Algorithms
      1. Classical Criptography
        1. Caesar Cipher
        2. Simple Substitution Cipher
        3. Disk Cipher
    6. File Algorithms
      1. Text File Algorithms
        1. Counting Characters, Lines and Words
        2. Character Frequency and Histogram
        3. Simple File Copy Algorithm 
    7. Bitwise Algorithms
      1. Generic Bitcount Algorithm
  3. Libraries
    1. Dynamic Multidimensional Arrays Library
    2. Generic Data Structures Library
      1. Defining an Object
      2. The ArraySet Data Structure
    3. NMat
      1. Creating, Destroying and Copying a Matrix
      2. The Sum and Product of Two Matrices
      3. The Minor of a Matrix
      4. The Determinant of a Matrix
      5. The Transpose, Adjugate and Inverse of a Matrix
      6. Other Operations
    4. Color Space Conversion Library
      1. HSI - RGB Conversion Algorithms
      2. HSL - RGB Conversion Algorithms
      3. HSV - RGB Conversion Algorithms
      4. YIQ - RGB Conversion Algorithms
      5. YUV - RGB Conversion Algorithms
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