Saturday, August 4, 2012

The NMat Library

NMat is a ANSI C library that provides an API for matrix operations.

The current operations implemented by NMatlib are:
Operation Description
Create Creates a NMatrix object
Destroy Destroys a NMatrix object
Clone Creates a hard copy of an existent NMatrix object
Sum Computes the sum of two matrices
Scalar Multiplication Multiplies the matrix with a scalar
Product Computes the product of two matrices
Secondary Diagonal Returns the secondary diagonal of a matrix
Primary Diagonal Returns the primary diagonal of a matrix
Minor Returns the minor of a matrix
Determinant Computes the determinant of a matrix
Transpose Computes the transpose of a matrix
Adjugate Computes the adjugate of a matrix
Inverse Computes the inverse of a matrix
Minimum Element Returns the smallest element of a matrix
Maximum Element Returns the largest element of a matrix
Sum of all elements Returns the sum of all elements
Product of all Elements Returns the product of all elements
Number of Elements Returns the total number of elements that exist in a matrix
Submatrix Returns a submatrix specified by a start/end column/row
Arithmetic Mean Returns the arithmetic mean of all elements from a matrix
Harmonic Mean Returns the harmonic mean of all elements from a matrix
Geometric Mean Returns the geometric mean of all elements from a matrix

The NMatrix structure is implemented as:
typedef double real;
typedef int integer;

typedef struct
   real** data;
   integer rows;
   integer columns;
The numeric matrix structure will contain information about the number of rows, columns and an dynamic 2D array to hold the data.

The prototypes for the functions are:
Operation Prototype
Create NMatrix* NMatrix_Create(integer rows, integer columns);
Destroy NMatrix* NMatrix_Destroy(NMatrix *matrix);
Clone NMatrix* NMatrix_Clone(const NMatrix *source);
Sum NMatrix* NMatrix_Sum(const NMatrix* mat1,const NMatrix* mat2);
Scalar Multiplication NMatrix* NMatrix_MultiplyWithScalar(const NMatrix* mat, real value);
Product NMatrix* NMatrix_Product(const NMatrix* mat1,const NMatrix* mat2);
Secondary Diagonal NMatrix* NMatrix_GetSecondaryDiagonal(NMatrix* mat);
Primary Diagonal NMatrix* NMatrix_GetPrimaryDiagonal(NMatrix *mat);
Minor NMatrix* NMatrix_Minor(const NMatrix *mat,
integer row, integer column,
Integer order);
Determinant real NMatrix_Determinant(const NMatrix *mat, integer order);
Transpose NMatrix* NMatrix_Transpose(const NMatrix* mat);
Adjugate NMatrix* NMatrix_Adjugate(const NMatrix* mat);
Inverse NMatrix* NMatrix_Inverse(const NMatrix* mat);
Minimum Element real NMatrix_MinElement(const NMatrix* mat);
Maximum Element real NMatrix_MaxElement(const NMatrix* mat);
Sum of all elements real NMatrix_ElementSum(const NMatrix* mat);
Product of all Elements real NMatrix_ElementProduct(const NMatrix* mat);
Number of Elements integer NMatrix_ElementCount(const NMatrix* mat);
Submatrix NMatrix* NMatrix_Submatrix(const NMatrix* mat,
integer startRow, integer endRow,
Integer startColumn, integer endColumn);
Arithmetic Mean real NMatrix_ArithmeticMean(const NMatrix* mat);
Harmonic Mean real NMatrix_HarmonicMean(const NMatrix* mat);
Geometric Mean real NMatrix_GeometricMean(const NMatrix* mat);

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