If you are curious about the theory behind the HSV and RGB color spaces, you can read this articles:
1. RGB to HSV Conversion
This function will create a HSV model from a RGB model. The algorithm behind the conversion is described by the formulas below.
![]() |
RGB to HSV algorithm |
The meaning of the variables:
M - the RGB component with the greatest value
m - the RGB component with the smalles value
c - chroma
r,g,b - the components of the RGB model (red, green, blue)
h,s,v - the components of HSV model (hue, saturation, value)
m - the RGB component with the smalles value
c - chroma
r,g,b - the components of the RGB model (red, green, blue)
h,s,v - the components of HSV model (hue, saturation, value)
The components of the RGB model (r,g,b), saturation (s) and value (v) should have values in the range [0,1], while the hue (h) should have values in the rnage [0,360].
The prototype of the function is:
/* Description: * Creates a HsvColor structure from RGB components * Parameters: * r,g,b - the components of an RGB model expressed * as real numbers * Returns: * A pointer to the HsvColor is the parameters are * correct. Otherwise returns NULL. */ HsvColor* Hsv_CreateFromRgbF(double r, double g, double b);
The function can be implemented as:
HsvColor* Hsv_CreateFromRgbF(double r, double g, double b) { double M = 0.0, m = 0.0, c = 0.0; HsvColor* color = NULL; if (RgbF_IsValid(r, g, b) == true) { color = Hsv_Create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); M = Double_GetMaximum(r, g, b); m = Double_GetMinimum(r, g, b); c = M - m; color->V = M; if (c != 0.0f) { if (M == r) { color->H = fmod(((g - b) / c), 6.0); } else if (M == g) { color->H = (b - r) / c + 2.0; } else /*if(M==b)*/ { color->H = (r - g) / c + 4.0; } color->H *= 60.0; color->S = c / color->V; } } return color; }
2.HSV to RGB Conversion
This function will create a RGB model from a HSV model. The algorithm behind the conversion is described by the formulas below.
![]() |
HSV to RGB algorithm |
The meaning of the variables:
c - chroma m - the RGB component with the smalles value
x - an intermediate value used for computing the RGB model
r,g,b - the components of the RGB model (red, green, blue)
h,s,v - the components of HSV model (hue, saturation, value)
The prototype of the function is:
* Description:
* Creates a RgbFColor structure from HSV components
* Parameters:
* h,s,v - the components of an HSV model expressed
* as real numbers
* Returns:
* A pointer to the RgbFColor is the parameters are
* correct. Otherwise returns NULL.
RgbFColor* RgbF_CreateFromHsv(double h, double s, double v);
The function can be implemented as:
HsvColor* Hsv_CreateFromRgbF(double r, double g, double b)
double M = 0.0, m = 0.0, c = 0.0;
HsvColor* color = NULL;
if (RgbF_IsValid(r, g, b) == true)
color = Hsv_Create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
M = Double_GetMaximum(r, g, b);
m = Double_GetMinimum(r, g, b);
c = M - m;
color->V = M;
if (c != 0.0f)
if (M == r)
color->H = fmod(((g - b) / c), 6.0);
else if (M == g)
color->H = (b - r) / c + 2.0;
else /*if(M==b)*/
color->H = (r - g) / c + 4.0;
color->H *= 60.0;
color->S = c / color->V;
return color;
The function can be implemented as:
RgbFColor* RgbF_CreateFromHsv(double h, double s, double v) { double c = 0.0, m = 0.0, x = 0.0; RgbFColor *color = NULL; if (Hsv_IsValid(h, s, v) == true) { c = v * s; x = c * (1.0 - fabs(fmod(h / 60.0, 2) - 1.0)); m = v - c; if (h >= 0.0 && h < 60.0) { color = RgbF_Create(c + m, x + m, m); } else if (h >= 60.0 && h < 120.0) { color = RgbF_Create(x + m, c + m, m); } else if (h >= 120.0 && h < 180.0) { color = RgbF_Create(m, c + m, x + m); } else if (h >= 180.0 && h < 240.0) { color = RgbF_Create(m, x + m, c + m); } else if (h >= 240.0 && h < 300.0) { color = RgbF_Create(x + m, m, c + m); } else if (h >= 300.0 && h < 360.0) { color = RgbF_Create(c + m, m, x + m); } else { color = RgbF_Create(m, m, m); } } return color; }
#include<stdio.h> #include"colorspace.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { HsvColor* hsv = NULL; RgbFColor* rgbF = NULL; RgbIColor* rgbI = NULL; /*HSI to RGB*/ hsv = Hsv_Create(240.5, 0.316, 0.721); rgbF = RgbF_CreateFromHsv(hsv->H, hsv->S, hsv->V); rgbI = RgbI_CreateFromRealForm(rgbF->R, rgbF->G, rgbF->B); printf("\nHSV : %f %f %f", hsv->H, hsv->S, hsv->V); printf("\nRGBf : %f %f %f", rgbF->R, rgbF->G, rgbF->B); printf("\nRGBi : %d %d %d", rgbI->R, rgbI->G, rgbI->B); /*Frees the resources*/ free(hsv); free(rgbF); free(rgbI); /*RGB to HSI*/ rgbI = RgbI_Create(108U, 198U, 78U); rgbF = RgbF_CreateFromIntegerForm(rgbI->R, rgbI->G, rgbI->B); hsv = Hsv_CreateFromRgbF(rgbF->R, rgbF->G, rgbF->B); printf("\nHSV : %f %f %f", hsv->H, hsv->S, hsv->V); printf("\nRGBf : %f %f %f", rgbF->R, rgbF->G, rgbF->B); printf("\nRGBi : %d %d %d", rgbI->R, rgbI->G, rgbI->B); return 0; } /*Output: HSV : 240.500000 0.316000 0.721000 RGBf : 0.495063 0.493164 0.721000 RGBi : 126 126 184 HSV : 105.000000 0.606061 0.776471 RGBf : 0.423529 0.776471 0.305882 RGBi : 108 198 78 */
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