Learn more about the Caesar Cipher.
Learn more about the Simple Substitution Cipher.
If you want to read more about the history of the disk cipher, you can check out this article.
1.The Encoding Algorithm
- j - the position of the symbol in the cipher text (coded alphabet)
- Ei - the position of the symbol from the original message in the original alphabet (plain text)
- s - the shift value
- O - the original alphabet
OPERATION_STATUS DiskCipher_Encode(char* originalAlphabet, char* codedAlphabet, char* originalMessage, char* encodedMessage, unsigned short shift) { unsigned short alphabetLength = strlen(originalAlphabet); unsigned int messageLength = strlen(originalMessage); unsigned int i = 0U; char* pointer = NULL; unsigned int position = 0U; if( alphabetLength != strlen(codedAlphabet) ) { //The lengths of the alphabets do not match return OPERATION_FAILED; } for(i=0; i<messageLength; i++) { pointer = strchr(originalAlphabet, originalMessage[i]); if(pointer==NULL) { //A character in the message was not found in the //original alphabet return OPERATION_FAILED; } else { position = ((pointer - originalAlphabet) + shift)%alphabetLength; encodedMessage[i] = codedAlphabet[position]; } } encodedMessage[messageLength] = '\0'; return OPERATION_SUCCESS; }The function receives 5 parameters:
- originalAlphabet - a pointer to a string containing the plain text alphabet (who has all the letters that appear in the originalMessage). All symbols in the originalAlphabet should appear only once.
- codedAlphabet - a pointer to a string containing the cipher text alphabet (who has the same length as the originalAlphabet string). All symbols in the codedAlphabet should appear only once.
- originalMessage - a pointer to a string containing the message who will be encoded
- codedMessage - a pointer to a pre-allocated empty string who will contain the encoded message.
- shift - what is the offset value used for the substitution
2.The Decoding Algorithm
- j - the position of decoded symbol in the plain text (original Alphabet)
- Ci - the position of the symbol from the encoded message in the cipher text (coded alphabet)
- s - the shift value
- O - the length of the original alphabet
OPERATION_STATUS DiskCipher_Decode(char* originalAlphabet, char* codedAlphabet, char* encodedMessage, char* decodedMessage, unsigned short shift) { unsigned short alphabetLength = strlen(originalAlphabet); unsigned int messageLength = strlen(encodedMessage); unsigned int i = 0U; char* pointer = NULL; unsigned int position = 0U; if( alphabetLength != strlen(codedAlphabet) ) { //The lengths of the alphabets do not match return OPERATION_FAILED; } for(i=0; i<messageLength; i++) { pointer = strchr(codedAlphabet, encodedMessage[i]); if(pointer==NULL) { //A character in the message was not found in the //coded alphabet return OPERATION_FAILED; } else { position = (abs(alphabetLength + (pointer - codedAlphabet) - shift)) %alphabetLength; decodedMessage[i] = originalAlphabet[position]; } } decodedMessage[messageLength] = '\0'; return OPERATION_SUCCESS; }The function receives 5 parameters:
- originalAlphabet - a pointer to a string containing the plain text alphabet (who has all the letters that appear in the originalMessage). All symbols in the originalAlphabet should appear only once.
- codedAlphabet - a pointer to a string containing the cipher text alphabet (who has the same length as the originalAlphabet string). All symbols in the codedAlphabet should appear only once.
- encodedMessage - a pointer to a string containing the message who will be encoded
- decodedMessage - a pointer to a pre-allocated empty string who will contain the decoded message.
- shift - what is the offset value used for the substitution
Here's a short example on how to use the functions described above:
char originalAlphabet[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "; char codedAlphabet[] = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM#"; char originalMessage[] = "DISK CIPHER"; char encodedMessage[12]; char decodedMessage[12]; unsigned int shift = 15; DiskCipher_Encode(originalAlphabet, codedAlphabet, originalMessage, encodedMessage,shift); puts(encodedMessage); DiskCipher_Decode(originalAlphabet, codedAlphabet, encodedMessage, decodedMessage,shift); puts(decodedMessage);